Tuesday 6 February 2018

Key Terms in React JS

Key Terms in React JS

1) ECMAScript

-ECMAScript is a scripting-language standardization by ECMA International. React without ECMAScript 6 would be a plain JavaScript component.

2) Component 

-The entire application of React is modelled as a set of independent, reusable and isolated pieces called components.
- There are two ways the components receive data through :- Props or State

3) Properties / Props

- It is a way of passing data from parent component to child component.
- Props are immutable

4) State 

- State is managed within the component.
- It is used to store data about the component which can change over time. Thus, state makes a component dynamic and interactive

5) JSX (JavaScript Extension)

-  JSX allows us to include ‘HTML’ along with ‘JavaScript’
- React doesn’t require it but it is helpful in working with UI inside the JavaScript code.
- It is faster, easier and type safe.

6) Webpack

- Webpack is a popular module bundling system which generates a build file joining all the dependencies.
- It checks for import and require statement in files and builds a dependency graph.

7) Babel

- Babel is a JavaScript compiler that includes the ability to compile JSX into regular JavaScript.
- This is used because not all web browsers can render JSX along with ES6 directly.
Here is my video on Key Terms in React JS 

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